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pet-microchipping-servicesMicrochip, when taken in technical terms is called as RFID device. By the acronym RFID, it means Radio Frequency Identification Device. They are generally of the grain size and are highly safe to be used on your pets for identifying easily them. A microchip is implanted in an animal with the help of a sterile implantation device in the neck’s soft scruff. It is an exceptionally common and safe process. Once in place, the microchip could be detected instantly with a handheld device which makes use of radio waves for reading the chip, displaying a inimitable alphanumeric code attached to the pet’s details.

Why microchip the pet?

Thousands and millions of pets are lost every year. Unfortunately, very few get united with their possessors. Many missing pets reside in shelters; from where they are again adopted by new owners; or more miserably, they are never found. While tags and collars are still necessary and needed by the law, they could easily get damaged or fall off. Microchipping the pet offers a enduring method of pet identification and provide the best possibility of the pet to return to you, if they go missing.

Will it hurt the pet?

The procedure is similar to an injection, with slight or no pain at all; most of the pets do not even feel it is being implanted. However, looking at both the sides of the coin, if the chip is not injected properly, then it may even lead to the death of the pets. So, it may not hurt the pet instantly, but, if they are not injected and inserted methodically, then it even cause the pet, dead.

So, the above points should be though upon, before selecting a specific pet microchipping service provider. The reputed, the known microchip provider, the better is the service offered.